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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 PB Report. N/5X
2 PC business software. 09542833 A.P. Publications, 1988- TP36/5X
3 PROMT, Predicasts overview of markets and technology. 01618032 Predicasts, inc., TB/3X#1
4 Packaging. 07463820 Cahners Pub. Co., c1983-1994. TS09/1X
5 Partial differential equations. 0720261X Springer-Verlag, -1987. O1/30X
6 Particle accelerators. 00312460 Gordon and Breach, 1970- TL5/1X
7 Pattern recognition. 00313203 Pergamon Press, 1968- TP39/4X
8 Philips technical review. 00317926 Philips Research Laboratory, 1936-1989. TN/4X
9 Philosophical magazine. A, Physics of condensed matter, defects and mechanical properties. 01418610 Taylor & Francis, c1978-2002. O3/2X
10 Philosophical magazine. B, Physics of condensed matter, electronic, optical, and magnetic properties 01418637 Taylor & Francis, c1978-1986 O4/5X
11 Photogrammetric engineering. 00318671 American Society of Photogrammetry], -1974. TB8/5X
12 Photographic abstracts. 00318701, 0031-8701 Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, -1987. J4/1X
13 Photographic science and engineering. 00318760 Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers], 1957-1984. TB8/2X
14 Photonik 14329778 AT-Fachverl 1995- O43/1X#3
15 Physical review letters. 00319007 American Physical Society, 1958- O4/4X
16 Physical review. A, General physics. 05562791 Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics, [c1970]-1989. O4/6X
17 Physical review. A. 10502947 Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics, c1990- O4/7X
18 Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics. 10980121 Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics, c1998- O4/10X
19 Physical review. C, Nuclear physics. 05562813 Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics, c1970- O4/8X
20 Physics and chemistry of glasses. 00319090 Society of Glass Technology. TQ171/2X
21 Physics education. 00319120 Institute of Physics, etc.] O4/21X
22 Physics in technology. 03054624 Institute of Physics], -1988. O4/25X
23 Physics letters. [Part A]. 03759601 North-Holland Pub. Co., 1967- O4/20X
24 Physics of fluids / 10706631 The Institute, c1994- O35/3X
25 Physics of fluids. a publication of the American Institute of Physics. A, Fluid dynamics : 08998213 The Institute, c1989-1993. O3/3X
26 Physics of fluids. a publication of the American Institute of Physics. B, Plasma physics : 08998221 The Institute, c1989-c1993. O53/2X
27 Physics of plasmas. 1070664X American Institute of Physics, c1994- O53/1X
28 Physics today. 00319228 American Institute of Physics], 1948- O4/2X
29 Physics world. 09538585 IOP Pub. Ltd.], c1988- O4/22X
30 Plant engineering. 0032082X Cahners Pub. Co., etc.] TB4/1X
31 Plastics engineering. 00919578 Society of Plastics Engineers, 1973- TQ32/1X
32 Polymer engineering & science. 00323888 Society of Plastics Engineers, [1965- TQ32/2X
33 Popular electronics. 00324485 Ziff-Davis Pub. Co.], 1972-82. TN/7X
34 Popular mechanics. 00324558 Popular Mechanics Co., c1959- TH11/2X
35 Popular science. 01617370 Popular Science Pub. Co., 1950- N49/1X
36 Powder metallurgy international 00485012 TF1/1X
37 Power semiconductors. 0738324X D.A.T.A. Inc., TN/13X
38 Praktische metallographie. 0032678X Riederer-Verlag, 1964- TF/1X#1
39 Precision engineering. 0141-6359 Butterworths [etc.] TH7/6X
40 Precision metal. 0032714X Penton Pub., etc.] TG2/3X
41 Precision toolmaker. 02644703 Fuel & Metallurgical Journals Ltd., TG7/1X
42 Probability and stochastic processes. 07202628 Springer-Verlag, -1987. O1/14X
43 Probability theory and related fields. 01788051 Springer-Verlag, 1986- O1/1X#1
44 Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Electronic Engineering:... 978-0-7695-4647-6 CPS, c2012. TP311.5-532/X1-3
45 Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Electronic Engineering:... 978-0-7695-4647-6 CPS, c2012. TP311.5-532/X1-2
46 Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Electronic Engineering:... 978-0-7695-4647-6 CPS, c2012. TP311.5-532/X1-1
47 Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Processing(C... 978-1-4673-1411-4 U.S.Library of Congress Registered 2011 TN2/X3
48 Proceedings of the IEEE. 0018-9219 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, [1963- TN0/3X
49 Proceedings of the IRE. 00968390 Institute of Radio Engineers, c1939-1962. TN/28X
50 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Structures and buildings. 0965-0911 Published for the Institution of Civil Engineers by Thomas Telford Services, 1992-
51 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part E, Journal of Process Mechanical Engi 09544089 Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd. 1989- TH16/1X
52 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A, Journal of power and energy. 09576509 Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Mechanical Engineering Publications, 1990- TK0/1X
53 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Journal of engineering manufacture. 09544054 Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd., 1989- TB49/1X
54 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C, Mechanical engineering science. 09544062 Mechanical Engineering Publications], 1983-1988. TH/1X
55 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part D, Journal of automobile engineering. 09544070 Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.], c1989- U0/1X
56 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part F, Journal of rail and rapid transit. 09544097 Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Mechanical Engineering Publications, c1989- U2/1X
57 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part G, Journal of aerospace engineering. 09544100 Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.], c1989- V1/1X
58 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicine. 09544119 Published for the Institution by Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd.], c1989- R3/1X
59 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I, Journal of systems and control engin 09596518 Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd., c1991- N94/1X
60 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part J, Journal of engineering tribology. 13506501 Published for the Institution by Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd., c1994- TH11/3X
61 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part K, Journal of multi-body dynamics. 14644193 Published for the Institution by Professional Engineering Pub. Ltd., c1999- TH13/2X
62 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part M, Journal of engineering for the marit 14750902 Published for the Institution by Professional Engineering Pub. Ltd. 2002- TH/17X
63 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part N, Journal of nanoengineering and nanos 1740-3499 Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Professional Engineering Pub., c2004- TB383/2X
64 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings part L, Journal of materials: de 14644207 Published for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers by Professional Engineering Publishing, c1999- TB3/16X
65 Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Series A, Mathematical scienc 00233358 North-Holland Pub. Co., 1967-1989. O1/27X
66 Proceedings of the Physical Society. Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, 1960-1967. O4/27X
67 Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section A/ The Society, 1949-1957. O56/4X
68 Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B/ The Society, 1949-1957. O56/3X
69 Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics. 10466789 The Society for Experimental Mechanics, c1984- O34/5X
70 Production and industrial equipment digest : PED 00307904 TB0/3X
71 Production engineering. 01461737 Penton/IPC, Inc.], 1977-1987. TP2/4X
72 Progress in materials science. 00796425 Pergamon Press, 1961- TB3/7X
73 Progress in polymer science. 0079-6700 Pergamon Press. O6/11X
74 Progress of theoretical physics. 0033068X s.n.], 1946- O41/2X
75 Pumps and other fluids machinery abstracts. 03022870, 0302-2870 BHRA Fluid Engineering], 1971-1990. TH/1X#3
76 Pumps and their applications : The international technical review / 0033426X Trade & Technical Press, 1965-81 TH3/2X
77 The Physical Review. [Section A] 00968250 Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics, 1964-65 O4/26X
78 The Physics of fluids. 00319171 American Institute of Physics, 1958-1988. O4/18X
79 The Physics of metals and metallography. 0031918X Pergamon Press for Pergamon Institute, 1957- TG11/1X
80 The Physics teacher. 0031921X American Association of Physics Teachers, 1963- O4/11X
81 The Plant engineer. 00320838 Batiste Publications, etc.] TB/1X
82 The Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 00203270, 0020-3270 The Institution, 1949-1979. TM3/3X