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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 EDN. 00127515 Rogers Pub. Co., TM92/1X
2 ELT journal / 09510893 The University Press, c1982- H319/2X
3 ESD : the electronic system design magazine. 08932565 Digital Design Pub. Corp., c1987- TP3/35X
4 Economic Theory 09382259 F0/3X
5 Ei thesaurus 0873941934 Engineering Information Inc., c1998. TB1/11X
6 Elastic and inelastic scattering of 4.1 mevneutrons from Ca.Mo.Sb,Ba, and Hg 0306449293 Plenum Press, 1960. O571.4/1X
7 Electric power components and systems. 15325008 Taylor and Francis, c2001- TM3/2X
8 Electrical & electronics abstracts. 00368105 Institution of Electrical Engineers. TM92/1X#1
9 Electrical Engineer 00134309 Thomson Publications, TM7/2X
10 Electrical manufacturing. 08953716 Lake Publishing Corp., 1987-1992 TM3/1X
11 Electrical patents index alerting abstracts bulletin. U, semiconductors and electronic circuitry Derwent Publications Ltd., 1995- T-18/X32
12 Electrical patents index classified bulletin. Section W, Communications. Derwent Publications Ltd., 1980-1988. T-18/X17
13 Electrical patents index classified bulletins. Section V, Electronic components. Derwent Publications Ltd., 1995. T-18/X19
14 Electrical patents index country bulletin. section W-X Derwent Publications Ltd., 1980-88 T-18/3X
15 Electrical patents index, alerting abstracts bulletin (country order) U, Semiconductors and elect... 736C0093-U Derwent Publication Ltd., 1995-. T-18/X33
16 Electrical patents index, alerting abstracts bulletin (country order). S, Instrumentation, measur... Derwent Publication Ltd., 1995- T-18/X22
17 Electrical patents index, alerting abstracts bulletin (country order). S, T, Instrumentation, mea... Derwent Publication Ltd., 1990- T-18/X29
18 Electrical patents index, alerting abstracts bulletin (country order). T, Computing and control. Derwent Publication Ltd., 1991- T-18/X18
19 Electrical patents index, alerting abstracts bulletin (country order). V, Electronic components: Derwent Publications Ltd. 1991- T-18/X16
20 Electrical patents index, country bulletin. S-T, Instrumentation, measuring, testing; computing a... 8115 Derwent Publication Ltd., 19??-1990. T-18/6X
21 Electrical patents index, country bulletin. Section U-V, Semiconductors and electronic circuitry,... 730C0072 Derwent Publications Ltd., 1980-1988. T-18/5X
22 Electrical patents index-alerting abstracts bulletins (country order). Section W, Communications. Derwent Publications Ltd., 1990- T-18/X15
23 Electrical patents index-alerting abstracts bulletins (country order). X, Electric power engineer... Derwent Publications Ltd., 1991- T-18/X20
24 Electrical patents index.Alerting Abstracts bulletin (Classified), S : Instrumentation Measuring... Derwent information, c1980- T-18/X28
25 Electrical patents index.Alerting Abstracts bulletin (Classified), T : International volume Compu... Derwent information, c1996- T-18/X30
26 Electrical patents index.Alerting Abstracts bulletin (Classified), W : Communications Derwent information, c1980- T-18/2X
27 Electrical world. 00134457 McGraw Pub. Co., 1906- TM92/2X
28 Electro optics. 00134589 Milton Publishing, 1971- O43/22X
29 Electro-Optical Systems Design : The Engineering Magazine of Electro-Optical and Laser Technology 04248457 Milton S. Kiver Publications, 1969-82 TN2/5X
30 Electronic components & applications. 01416219 N. V. Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken], 1978-1992. TN6/2X
31 Electronic design. 00134872 Hayden Pub. Co., 1953- TN1/6X
32 Electronic engineering. 00134902 Morgan-Grampian, -2001 TN1/5X
33 Electronic products. 00134953 United Technical Publications, c1981- TN/11X
34 Electronic progress. 00134961 Raytheon Manufacturing Company, c1956-c1982. TN/2X
35 Electronics & communication engineering journal. 1479-8352 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1931- TN8/1X
36 Electronics & communication engineering journal. 09540695 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1988- TN8/2X
37 Electronics letters. 00135194 Institution of Electrical Engineers], 1965- TN/23X
38 Electronics test. 01649620 Miller Freeman Publications, etc.] TN1/7X
39 Electronics world + wireless world. 09598332 Reed Business Pub., c1989-c1995. TN/10X
40 Electronics. 08834989 McGraw-Hill, c1985- TN/12X
41 Electroplating & metal finishing. 00135305 Wheatland Journals Ltd., etc.], 1947- TQ153/1X
42 Elektromart. 00135577 Vogel-Verlag, c1968- TM/1X#1
43 Elektrotechnik. 0013581X Vogel-Verlag. TM/2X
44 Engineering & Technology journal. 1750-9637 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 2007- TH/2X#3
45 Engineering / 2095-8099 TB2/X3
46 Engineering design graphics journal. 00462012 Engineering Design Graphics Division, American Society for Engineering Education] TB2/2X
47 Engineering failure analysis. 1350-6307 Pergamon, c1994- TB/3X#2
48 Engineering fracture mechanics. 00137944 Pergamon Press, c1968- TB1/4X
49 Engineering materials and design. 03086917 Heywood, [1958-1990] TB3/20X
50 Engineering patents index. alerting abstracts bulletin, Q5A : Engines, Pumps Derwent information, c1996- T-18/X24
51 Engineering patents index. alerting abstracts bulletin, Q6A : Engineering elements Derwent information, c1996- T-18/X25
52 Engineering patents index. alerting abstracts bulletin, Q7A : Lighting , heating Derwent information, c1996- T-18/X26
53 Engineering. 00137782 Office for Advertisements and Publication, 1866- TB0/4X
54 Engineers' digest. 00138169 Engineering Industries Association, 1940- TB0/7X
55 English teaching forum. 1559-663X Information Center Service, United States Information Agency, 1963-1977. H31/1X
56 Enterprise information systems. 1751-7575 Taylor & francis 2007- F270.7/4X
57 Environment,Development and SUstainability A mutidisplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of S 1387585X X/4X
58 Environmental engineering : the journal of the Society of Environmental Engineers. 09545824 Published for the Society by Mechanical Engineering Pub. Ltd., 1988- X0/3X
59 Environmental engineering science. 10928758 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., c1997- X0/1X
60 Europa technic. Karl Ihl & Co., c1920-70. TG/1X
61 Experimental mechanics. 00144851 Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, 1961- O3/1X
62 Experimental techniques. 07328818 Society for Experimental Stress Analysis, O34/1X
63 Expert systems with applications. 0957-4174 Pergamon, c1990- TP182/X1
64 The Engineer. 00137758 Morgan-Grampian (Publishers), 1856- TB0/5X
65 The Engineering economist. 0013791X Engineering Economy Committee of the American Society for Engineering Education, [1955- F4/1X
66 The Engineering index annual. 03608557 Engineering Index Inc., 1968- TB/2X#1
67 The Engineering index monthly. 07421974 Engineering Information, c1984- TB/1X#1
68 The English journal. University of Chicago Press, 1928-1939. H31/6X
69 The Explosives engineer. 00965677 Hercules Powder Co.], 1923-1961. TH/15X
70 The econometrics journal. 13684221 Blackwell Publishers ; 1998- F22/1X
71 The economic journal. 00130133 Macmillan, 1891- F03/1X