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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 I&CS: Instrumentation & control systems. 10742328 Chilton Co., c1992- TH7/2X
2 IBM systems journal. 00188670 International Business Machines Corp., TP3/38X
3 IC master. 08946809 Hearst Business Communications, etc.] TN4/6X
4 IEE proceedings. A, Physical science, measurement and instrumentation, management and education, rev 0143702X Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-1990. TM93/2X
5 IEE proceedings. B, Electric power applications. 01437038 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980- TM92/5X
6 IEE proceedings. C, Generation, transmission, and distribution. 13502360 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-1993. TM7/3X
7 IEE proceedings. Circuits, devices & systems. 13502409 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994- TM7/1X
8 IEE proceedings. Communications. 13502425 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994- TN1/2X
9 IEE proceedings. Computers & digital techniques. 13502387 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994- TP3/8X
10 IEE proceedings. Control theory & applications 13502379 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1994- TM9/1X
11 IEE proceedings. D, Control theory and applications. 01437054 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1980-1993. TM9/2X
12 IEE proceedings. E, Computers and digital techniques. 01437062 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-1993. TP3/23X
13 IEE proceedings. F, Communications, radar, and signal processing. 01437070 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-1988. TN/20X
14 IEE proceedings. G, Circuits, devices, and systems. 09563768 IEE, [c1989- 1993. TN7/7X
15 IEE proceedings. G, Electronic circuits and systems. 01437089 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1980-1988. TM7/6X
16 IEE proceedings. H, Microwaves, antennas, and propagation. 0950107X Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1985-1993. TN94/2X
17 IEE proceedings. H, Microwaves, optics, and antennas. 01437097 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-c1985. TN94/4X
18 IEE proceedings. I, Solid-state and electron devices. 01437100 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1980-1988. TN91/5X
19 IEE proceedings. J, Optoelectronics. 02673932 Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1985- TN2/7X
20 IEE proceedings. Optoelectronics. 13502433 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994- TN2/2X
21 IEE proceedings. Software. 14625970 Institution of Electrical Engineers, TP31/2X
22 IEE proceedings. Vision, image, & signal processing 1350245X Institution of Electrical Engineers, c1994- TN91/1X
23 IEEE circuits & devices magazine. 87553996 IEEE, c1985-c1990. TM1/1X
24 IEEE communications magazine. 01636804 Communications Society of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1979- TN0/5X
25 IEEE computer graphics and applications. 02721716 IEEE Computer Society , c1981- TP39/3X
26 IEEE control systems magazine. 0272-1708 IEEE Control Systems Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, [c1985-1990] TP27/6X
27 IEEE design & test of computers / 07407475 IEEE Computer Society, c1984- TP302/1X
28 IEEE electron device letters : a publication of the IEEE Electron Devices Society. 07413106 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1980- TN1/3X
29 IEEE expert. 08859000 IEEE Computer Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1986-1997. TP11/3X
30 IEEE intelligent systems & their applications 15411672 IEEE Computer Society, Publications Office, c1997- TP11/1X
31 IEEE journal of robotics and automation. 08824967 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1985-c1988. TP2/11X
32 IEEE micro. 02721732 IEEE Computer Society, [c1981- TP3/4X
33 IEEE network. 08908044 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1987- TP3/3X
34 IEEE software. 07407459 IEEE Computer Society, c1984- TP31/1X
35 IEEE spectrum. 00189235 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1964- TN1/1X
36 IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing. 00963518 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1974-1990. TN91/6X
37 IEEE transactions on automatic control. 00189286 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963- TP27/4X
38 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. 00984094 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society], 1974-1991. TN7/3X
39 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. 1549-8328 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1992- TN4/1X
40 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. I 10577130 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1992- TN7/2X
41 IEEE transactions on communications. 00906778 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1972- TN91/2X
42 IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems : a publication of the 02780070 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1982- TP3/6X
43 IEEE transactions on computers. 00189340 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1968- TP3/7X
44 IEEE transactions on consumer electronics. 00983063 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, TN93/1X
45 IEEE transactions on electron devices. 00189383 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963- TN6/1X
46 IEEE transactions on engineering management / 00189391 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963- TNO/4X
47 IEEE transactions on industrial electronics : a publication of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Socie 02780046 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1982- TN0/2X
48 IEEE transactions on industrial electronics and control instrumentation. 00189421 Professional Technical Group in Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation, c1964-c1981. TN/24X
49 IEEE transactions on information theory / 00189448 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963- TP1/3X
50 IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement. 00189456 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963- TM93/1X
51 IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering. 10414347 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1989- TP3/13X
52 IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques. 00189480 Professional Technical Group on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Institute of Electrical and Electro c1963- TN0/7X
53 IEEE transactions on power delivery : a publication of the Power Engineering Society. 08858977 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1985- TM7/4X
54 IEEE transactions on reliability / 00189529 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1963- TN1/9X
55 IEEE transactions on robotics and automation : a publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Soc 15523098 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1989- TP24/1X
56 IEEE transactions on software engineering. 00985589 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1975- TP3/1X
57 IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. 00189472 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1971-1995. TP27/7X
58 IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Part A, Systems and humans. 10834427 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., c1996- TP27/1X
59 IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics. 10834419 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., c1996- TP27/2X
60 IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Part C, Applications and reviews. 10946977 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, TP27/3X
61 IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics. 10772626 IEEE Computer Society, 1995- TP39/2X
62 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking : A Joint Publication of the IEEE Communications Soceity, the I 10636692 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., and the Association for Computing Machi 1993- TP39/1X
63 IET Science, measurement & technology. 1751-8822 Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1994- TB9/1X
64 IMA journal of applied mathematics. 02724960 Academic Press, c1981- O29/2X
65 IMA journal of numerical analysis. 02724979 Academic Press, O24/3X
66 INSPEC thesaurus. [s.n.], 1978.
67 INSPEC thesaurus. Institution of Electrical Engineers, [1972?- TN-62/6X
68 IRE Wescon convention record / The Convention, c1957-62. TN/33X
69 IRE transactions on broadcast and television receivers. 00961655 Institute of Radio Engineers], 1955-1962. TN94/5X
70 IRE transactions on circuit theory. 00962007 Institute of Radio Engineers], 1955-1962. TN/29X
71 IRE transactions on electron devices. 00962430 Institute of Radio Engineers], 1955-1962. TN/31X
72 IRE transactions on instrumentation. 00962260 Institute of Radio Engineers], 1955-1962. TM93/3X
73 IRE transactions on military electronics. 00962511 Professional Group on Military Electronics, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1957-c1962. TN/26X
74 IRE transactions on production techniques. 00961779 Professional Group on Production Techniques, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1956-c1959. TN/32X
75 IRE transactions on space electronics and telemetry. 0096252X Professional Group on Space Electronics and Telemetry, Institute of Radio Engineers, c1959-c1962. TP8/1X
76 ISO bulletin. 0303805X, 0303-805X ISO Central Secretariat, 1970- T/1X#3
77 IT + TI : Informationstechnik und technische informatik / 09442774 Oldenbourg, TP3/2X#1
78 Index to IEEE publications. 00991368 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1973- TM/1X#2
79 Index to scientific & technical proceedings. 01498088 Institute for Scientific Information, T-1/1X#1
80 Industrial lubrication and tribology. 00368792 Peterson Pub. Co. TH/12X
81 Industrial management. 00198471 Industrial Management Society, F4/2X
82 Industrial quality control. 0884822X Society of Quality Control Engineers in cooperation with the University of Buffalo, [c1944-1967]. TB/4X
83 Information age. 02614103 Butterworth Scientific Ltd., 1982-c1990. TP3/37X
84 Information and computation. 08905401 Academic Press, c1987- TP/1X
85 Information and control. 00199958 Academic Press, 1957-1986. TP/2X
86 Information and decision technologies. 09230408 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., c1988- O29/4X
87 Information and software technology. 09505849 Butterworths, c1987- TP27/10X
88 Information processing & management. 03064573 Pergamon Press, 1975- G35/1X
89 Information sciences. 00200255 North-Holland [etc.], 1968- TP3/36X
90 Information technology and libraries. 07309295 Library and Information Technology Association, c1982- G25/1X
91 Infrared physics. 00200891, 0020-0891 Pergamon Press. O4/9X
92 Inorganic chemistry. 00201669 American Chemical Society, 1962- O61/2X
93 Instrument abstracts. 766 Taylor & Francis, TH7/1X#4
94 Instrument practice. 03679403 United Trade Press, 1946-1970. TH7/13X
95 Integrated circuits. Digital integrated circuits. 08998523 D.A.T.A. Business Pub., c1988-c1989. TN/22X
96 Integrated circuits. Interface integrated circuits. 08998515 D.A.T.A. Business Pub., c1988-c1989. TN4/4X
97 Integrated circuits. Interface. 10574522 D.A.T.A. Business Pub., TN4/5X
98 Integrated circuits. Linear integrated circuits. 0899854X D.A.T.A. Business Pub., c1988-1991. TN4/1X#1
99 Integrated circuits. Memory. 10482598 D.A.T.A. Business Pub., c1989- TN1/4X
100 International business review(electronic) 0969-5931 Pergamon, F7/1X#1
101 International defense review. 00206512 Interavia S.A., 1968-c1995. E1/1X
102 International economic review. 00206598 Economics Dept. of the University of Pennsylvania and the Osaka University Institute of Social and E 1960- F03/5X
103 International journal of advanced network monitoring and controls. 2470-8038 ANMC., c2017- TP27/X11
104 International journal of circuit theory and applications. 00989886 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1973- TN7/1X
105 International journal of control. 00207179 Taylor and Francis, TP27/5X
106 International journal of electrical engineering education. 00207209 Pergamon Press, 1963- TM/1X
107 International journal of engineering science. 00207225 Pergamon Press, 1963- TB1/3X
108 International journal of extreme manufacturing = 极端制造. 2631-8644 O4/X30
109 International journal of game theory. 00207276 Physica-Verlag, O22/4X
110 International journal of machine tool design & research. 00207357 Pergamon Press. 1961-1986. TH12/2X
111 International journal of machine tools & manufacture. 08906955 Pergamon, 1987- TG5/5X
112 International journal of non-linear mechanics. 00207462 Pergamon Press, 1966- O34/2X
113 International journal of plant engineering and management. 1007-4546 Northwestern Polytechnical, 1996- TB49/X2
114 International journal of production economics. 0925-5273 Elsevier, c1991- F273/5X
115 International journal of quantum chemistry. 00207608 John Wiley & Sons Inc. O64/2X
116 International journal of systems science. 00207721 Taylor and Francis, TP11/2X
117 International journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering. 0916782X The Society, c1991- TH7/1X#1
118 International materials reviews. 09506608 Institute of Metals ; 1987- TF0/3X
119 International semiconductor directory, master type locator. 10486607 D.A.T.A. Business Pub., c1990- TN/18X
120 Iron and steel engineer. 00211559 Association of Iron and Steel Engineers, etc.], 1924- TF4/1X
121 The Industrial robot. 0143991X International Fluidics Services, ltd., 1973- TP2/2X
122 The International journal of powder metallurgy & powder technology. 03613488 American Powder Metallurgy Institute, 1974-1985. TF1/2X
123 The International journal of robotics research. 02783649 MIT Press, c1982- TP2/6X
124 The imaging science journal. 13682199 Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, 1997- TB8/1X