刊名 |
出版社 |
出版年 |
索书号 |
1 |
Machine and tool blue book. |
00249106 |
Hitchcock Pub. Co.] |
TH/13X |
2 |
Machine design. |
0024-9114 |
Penton/IPC, etc.], |
1929- |
TH12/1X |
3 |
Machinery and production engineering. |
0024919X |
Machinery Publication Co. |
TH/6X |
4 |
Machinery. |
The Machinery Publishing Company. |
TH/16X |
5 |
Magazine of standards. |
00972959 |
American National Standards Institute, etc.], |
1954-1970 |
G23/1X |
6 |
Management decision. |
00251747 |
MCB Publications, |
F2/1X |
7 |
Management science. |
00251909 |
Institute of Management Sciences] |
F27/1X |
8 |
Manufacturing chemist |
Morgan-Grampian Ltd.], |
1930-63. |
O6/4X |
9 |
Manufacturing engineering. |
03610853 |
Society of Manufacturing Engineers] |
TG5/3X |
10 |
Marketing research : a quarterly business management publication of the American Marketing Associati |
10408460 |
The Association, |
c1989- |
F7/2X |
11 |
Maschine + Werkzeug : Fachmagazin fur Fertigungstechnik |
03433471 |
Media-Mail-GmbH, |
1939- |
TG5/2X |
12 |
Maschine + Werkzeug : Fachmagazin fur Fertigungstechnik |
03433471 |
Media-Mail-GmbH, |
1939- |
TH13/1X#2 |
13 |
Materials & design. |
0264-1275 |
Scientific and Technical Press, |
c1982- |
14 |
Materials & design. |
0261-3069 |
Scientific and Technical Press, |
c1982- |
TB3/8X |
15 |
Materials and Structures |
13595997 |
TB3/22X |
16 |
Materials characterization. |
10445803 |
Elsevier, |
c1990- |
TG1/3X |
17 |
Materials engineering. |
00255319 |
Reinhold Pub. Corp., |
c1967- |
TB3/10X |
18 |
Materials evaluation. |
00255327 |
Society for Nondestructive Testing, 1964- |
TG1/5X |
19 |
Materials performance. |
00941492 |
National Association of Corrosion Engineers, |
c1974- |
TG1/1X |
20 |
Materials science & engineering. B, Solid-state materials for advanced technology. |
09215107 |
Elsevier Sequoia, |
c1988- |
TB3/14X |
21 |
Materials science & engineering. a review journal. R, Reports : |
0927-796X |
Elsevier Sequoia, |
c1993- |
TB3/27X |
22 |
Materials science & engineering. properties, microstructure and processing. A, Structural materials |
09215093 |
Elsevier Sequoia, |
c1988- |
TB3/9X |
23 |
Materials science and technology : MST : a publication of the Institute of Metals. |
02670836 |
The Institute, |
c1985- |
TG1/2X |
24 |
Materials transactions. |
13459678 |
Japan Institute of Metals, |
2001- |
TG1/9X |
25 |
Materials world : the journal of the Institute of Materials. |
09678638 |
The Institute, |
c1993- |
TB3/15X |
26 |
Mathematical reviews. |
00255629 |
Lancaster, Pa.American Mathematical Society, |
1940- |
O1/1X#2 |
27 |
Mathematical systems theory. |
00255661 |
Springer-Verlag, |
O1/33X |
28 |
Mathematics and computers in simulation. |
03784754 |
North Holland Pub. Co., |
1977- |
TP3/39X |
29 |
Mathematics of computation. |
00255718 |
National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, |
1960- |
O1/22X |
30 |
Mathematics of operations research. |
0364765X |
Institute of Management Sciences], |
1976- |
O22/2X |
31 |
Mathematika. |
00255793 |
Dept. of Mathematics, University College., |
1954- |
O1/11X |
32 |
Matter and rediation at extremes : MRE. |
2468-2047 |
Editorial Office of Matter and Rediation at Extremes, |
2016- |
O4/X29 |
33 |
Measurement and control. |
00202940 |
Institute of Measurement and Control], |
1968- |
TP27/8X |
34 |
Measurement science and technology. |
0957-0233 |
IOP Pub., |
1990- |
TB/9X |
35 |
Mechanical engineering. |
00256501 |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers] |
TH/10X |
36 |
Mechanical systems and signal processing. |
0888-3270 |
Academic Press, |
c1987- |
TH/3X#3 |
37 |
Mechanics of materials : an international journal. |
01676636 |
North-Holland, |
1982- |
TB301/1X |
38 |
Mechanics of structures and machines. |
08905452 |
M. Dekker, |
c1987- |
O34/4X |
39 |
Mechanism and machine theory. |
0094114X |
Pergamon Press, |
c1972- |
TH/14X |
40 |
Messen Pruefen Automatisieren. |
09457143 |
H. Holzmann, |
1984-1989. |
T-65/1X |
41 |
Metal Treatment |
03689549 |
Fuel & Metallurgical Journals Ltd |
1935-48;1965-66 |
TF0/9X |
42 |
Metal stamping. |
0026069X |
American Metal Stamping Association] |
TG/2X |
43 |
Metal treating. |
00260711 |
Temple Publications, etc.] |
TG1/13X |
44 |
Metalforming Digest. |
10659021, 1065-9021 |
American Society for Metals, Technical Divisions and Activities, |
1972-94 |
TG2/1X#3 |
45 |
Metallography. |
00260800 |
American Elsevier Pub. Co. |
TG1/4X |
46 |
Metallurgia. |
01418602 |
Fuel and Metallurgical Journals], |
1978- |
TF0/6X |
47 |
Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, Physical metallurgy and materials science. |
10735623 |
Minerals, Metals & Materials Society ; |
c1994- |
TF0/1X |
48 |
Metallurgical transactions. B, Process metallurgy. |
03602141 |
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers ; |
1975- |
TF0/5X |
49 |
Metals abstracts index. |
00260932 |
Metals Society; |
TG/2X#2 |
50 |
Metals abstracts. |
00260924 |
Metals Abstracts Trust, |
TG/1X#4 |
51 |
Metals and materials : the journal of the Institute of Metals. |
02667185 |
Mechanical Engineering Publications, |
1985- |
TF0/10X |
52 |
Metalworking production. |
00261033 |
Morgan-Grampian Publishers, Ltd., |
1955- |
TG1/8X |
53 |
Metalworking. |
Cahners publishing Co.,Inc. |
1966- |
TG/5X |
54 |
Microcomputer Systems D.A.T.A. Book. electronic information series. |
07325894 |
Laurence E.Laumann, |
1976- |
TP36/3X |
55 |
Microelectronic engineering. |
0167-9317 |
North-Holland ; |
1983- |
TN4/14X |
56 |
Microelectronics and reliability. |
00262714 |
Pergamon Press, |
c1964- |
TN4/3X |
57 |
Microelectronics journal. |
00262692 |
Mackintosh Publications], |
1974- |
TN4/2X |
58 |
Microprocessing and microprogramming. |
01656074 |
North-Holland Pub. Co., |
1981-1996. |
TP26/1X |
59 |
Microprocessors and microsystems. |
01419331 |
IPC Science and Technology Press], |
1978- |
TP274/1X |
60 |
Microtecnic. |
00262854 |
Agifa S.A. [etc.] |
TH7/5X |
61 |
Microwave journal. |
01926225 |
Horizon House-Microwave], |
1964- |
TN/6X |
62 |
Microwave tubes. |
01640135 |
Derivation and Tabulation Associates] , |
-1978. |
TN/5X |
63 |
Military electronics countermeasures. |
01644076 |
Hamilton Burr Pub. Co.], |
1977- |
TN/21X |
64 |
Military review. |
00264148 |
US Army Command and General Staff College, |
1939- |
E/1X |
65 |
Mini-micro systems. |
03649342 |
Cahners Pub. Co., etc.], |
1976-1989. |
TP36/2X |
66 |
Missiles & space : the industry's management and engineering magazine. |
Remsen-Whitney Pub. Corp., |
1961-1963] |
V473.1/3X |
67 |
Missiles and rockets. |
0096972 |
American Aviation Publications], |
1956-1966. |
V473.1/2X |
68 |
Modern castings. |
00267562 |
American Foundrymen's Society] |
TG2/8X |
69 |
Modern metals. |
00268127 |
Modern Metals Pub. Co.], |
1945- |
TG1/7X |
70 |
Molecular physics. |
00268976 |
Taylor & Francis, |
1958- |
O56/1X |
71 |
Monthly bulletin of statistics / |
00417432 |
The Office, |
1947- |
F22/3X |
72 |
Monthly catalog of United States government publications / |
03626830 |
U.S. G.P.O., |
1951- |
Z85/1X |
73 |
The Mathematics teacher. |
00255769 |
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, |
1908- |
O1/9X |
74 |
The Military engineer. |
00263982 |
Society of American Military Engineers], |
1920- |
E9/1X |
75 |
The microscope. |
0026282X |
Microscope Publications, |
TH7/9X |