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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 BBC English. 0263550X BBC English, H31/5X
2 BCIRA abstracts of international foundry literature / 0141-2930 The Association, c1978-85. Z8/X1
3 BCIRA abstracts of international literature on metal castings production. 02683393, 0268-3393 BCIRA, c1986- TG2/2X#1
4 Beijing review = 北京周报. 10009140 Beijing Review : 1979- K2/1X
5 British ceramic transactions. 09679782 Institute of Materials, c1993- TQ174/1X
6 British corrosion journal : a publication of the Metals Society. 00070599 The Society, TG1/12X
7 British welding journal / 05246806 The Institute, TG4/4X
8 Building and environment. 0360-1323 Elsevier Science [etc.] TU-023/1X
9 Building and environment. 0360-1323 Elsevier Science [etc.] TU-05/1X
10 Building simulation : an international journal. Jointly published by Tsinghua University Press and Springer TU-0/X1
11 Bulletin (new series) of the American Mathematical Society. 02730979 The Society, 1979- O1/17X
12 Bulletin d'informations scientifiques et techniques. 00074543 Commissariat áa l'?energie atomique., 1957- G35/1X#1
13 Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 00030503, 0003-0503 The Society, 1925- O4/2X#3
14 Bulletin of the JSME. 00213764 Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers., 1958-1986. TH/4X
15 Bulletin of the Japan Society of Precision Engineering. 05824206 Japan Society of Precision Engineering, TH7/7X
16 The Bell System technical journal. 00058580 American Telephone and Telegraph Co.], 1922-1983 TN/27X
17 The British foundryman. 00070718 Institute of British Foundrymen, 1957-1987. TG2/9X