中文图书1.可持续设计:数字·多元·安全 TP11/133
可借复本:2 胡晓编著
清华大学出版社 2023
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西文图书2.Proceedings of the Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence : IJCAI-81, 24- TP11-53/E2:7
可借复本:1 sponsored by the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence ; co-sponsored by the Ca
s.n.], c1981.
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西文图书3.Theoretical aspects of reasoning about knowledge : proceedings of the 1986 conference, March 19-22, TP11-53/5:(86)E
可借复本:1 edited by Joseph Y. Halpern ; cosponsored by IBM, American Association of Artificial Intelligence, a
M. Kaufmann Publishers, c1986.
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西文图书4.5th International Online Information Meeting : London, Dec. 8-10, 1981 / TP11-53/E4
可借复本:2 organised by Online Review, the International Journal of Online Information Systems.
Learned Information, 1981.
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西文图书5.People, automation and quality : proceeding of the conference held in New College, Oxford, Sept. 25- TP11-53/E3:(80)
可借复本:2 organised by the Institute of Quality Assurance.
IQA, [1980?]
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西文图书6.Contemporary ergonomics 1987 : proceedings of the Ergonomics Society's 1987 Annual Conference, Swans TP11-53/7E
可借复本:1 edited by E.D. Megaw.
Taylor & Francis, 1987.
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西文图书7.Analysis, desigh & evaluation of man-machine systems. : proceedings of the IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Confe TP11-53/E1
可借复本:3 edited by G. Johannsen, J. E. Rijnsdorp.
Published for the International Federation of Automatic Control by Pergamon Press, 1983
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